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2nd Annual Masters of Poker Tournament - Sign-Ups Open
Monday, 05 June 2023
Join the McKinney Police Association FOP Lodge #107 for the 2nd Annual Masters of Poker Tournament on August 11, 2023, at Gather in Downtown McKinney (207 E Virginia St, McKinney, TX 75069). Registration begins at 5pm, tournament begins at 6pm. FOOD and DRINK are included in the purchase of a ticket. Sign up at https://mckinneypafop107.ticke...This poker tournament supports Lodge Members needing financial assistance due to unexpected medical bills and MPAFOP #107 community programs, such a...

McKinney Masters of Poker Tournament!
Tuesday, 27 September 2022
Greetings supporters of the McKinney Police Association,
Want to join the fun and support a great cause? Register your team as a sponsor here:
Carl Severan, Jr.
Lodge President

2022 Back to School Shop With A Cop
Thursday, 25 August 2022
The McKinney Police Association was proud to provide much-needed back-to-school supplies to about 50 children earlier this month through our biannual Shop With A Cop event.
“We’re proud to be a part of McKinney and we jump on any opportunity to give back to our neighbors,” said Carl Severan, president of the McKinney Police Association. “We hope that these back-to-school supplies will lift a considerable financial burden off the shoulders of dozens of our families.”
The shopping s...
MPAFOP #107 Awards Scholarships in Honor of McKinney Officers
Saturday, 04 June 2022
The McKinney Police Association Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #107 would like to congratulate this year’s winners of the John Libby and the David “WOJO” Waldschmidt memorial scholarship awards. Eric Parker (son of Lt. Rogers) and Kylea Kennedy (daughter of Lt. Kennedy) are being awarded a $2,000 scholarship as a result of their exceptional written essays and applications. Their applications stood out amongst the pool of students who applied for these prestigious scholarships....